Healing Underground

44 videos

Homeopathic science, herb lore and healing

1 month ago

Our Next Wellness Naturally Show with Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern, and Dani McKenny : discussing Physical Fitness and your Health- We were joined by Nick McKenny to talk about exercise and over all fitness. This video includes the Q&A session for members.

1 month ago

I know that Elderberry season is over, and I DID (try to) record a video all about picking and sorting elderberries back in August.... Better late than never right? Baby it's cold outside! .... in England anyway, lol. As we head into winter it's time to talk about some of the healthy things we can use to help keep ourselves and our families happy. Today we're going to talk about the Magic of Elderberries!! Tasty and oh so good for you! This is the download link for the study that I mentioned in the video(jason, please include this link in the info area) https://mega.nz/file/WVJkhbBR#GXiskhAQiLrI6KXgmCLjJ7dTIKw61pvgTqezQkKQXDE

1 month ago

And for our first episode of Wellness Naturally for 2025 we're talking about Detoxing from the Holidays!! 'Tis the season for eating highly questionable things, far too much junk foods and alcohol, and over all way too much sugar. Time for a New Years Clean Up!!

6 months ago

Info: Good morning my darlins! It's September- the craziest and busiest month of the year for gardeners and cooks and herbalists! Everything is ripening at top speed, which means gathering and picking.... and then processing. Today I decided to record a little video about some of the plants in my garden that I was about to pick to get them ready to be made into tinctures and teas- The two major herbs: Mullein and Wild Lettuce!

7 months ago

Today we're going to dehydrate a Birch Polypore fungus!! Birch Polypores (Fomitopsis betulina) have AMAZING health benefits and healing properties, and they do very well as an addition to our herbal teas! The birch polypore mushroom, called a birch bracket or razor strop mushroom, got its name because it grows on dead birch trees. This rather gnarly looking fungus has loads of goodness inside, including one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D! Birch Polypore has been used since ancient times for medicinal reasons, but now modern science has gone a long way to proving and extensive list of health benefits, has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-tumour and immune boosting properties. If you want to learn more, here are some links to get you started: https://explore.globalhealing.com/birch-polypore/ https://www.age-of-the-sage.org/archaeology/otzi_the_iceman.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26854098/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30806295/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4963449/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225036896_Anticancer_Effect_of_Fraction_Isolated_from_Medicinal_Birch_Polypore_Mushroom_Piptoporus_betulinus_Bull_Fr_P_Karst_Aphyllophoromycetideae_In_Vitro_Studies

7 months ago

We went on a little foraging walk out behind our house, gathered up some awesome healing plants (and fungi!), and I ramble on about how things just aren't growing right this year....

9 months ago

In this episode of Wellness Naturally, we talked about BRAINS…but not zombies! Brain health is a vital piece of our over all well being and is probably one of the areas of “health” that people know the least about. In this episode we talked about what our brain is made of, what it does, and how it interacts with our entire body. How to keep it healthy is one of our most important lessons to learn! This is the Archaix TV members video of the show, which includes the private members Q&A. For more information: https://rts.earth/wellness-naturally-your-brain/

9 months ago

This is a quick chat/update about some information I've just received this morning about cancer and alternative treatments to cancer that seem to be working.

9 months ago

Today we're taking another little walk through my garden to see all the healing herbs, flowers and roots that are growing in June! If you have any questions, drop them into the comments below!

10 months ago

Wellness Naturally: Your skin…. the most ignored and abused organ in our bodies! Last nights show Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern and Dani McKenny dug into the topic of your SKIN. As the largest organ in our bodies it’s also the most misunderstood. Our skin is a complex organism that does a myriad of vital jobs and is just as important as your Brain, Heart, and Lungs, yet most people abused their skin to a huge extent. In this episode, we demystify the largest organ we have, talk about how it works, and how it interacts with the rest of our bodies systems…. and of course, how to look after it as best we can! We really only just scratched the surface of this vast topic, so I’m pretty sure we’ll be doing follow up episode on this in the future!

10 months ago

This is just a short video about foraging- what to look for (what NOT to look for, lol), and what's in season at the moment! As a side note to our UK based Archaix members, I do teach basic foraging courses for groups- primarily for Home Ed, and "awake" groups as they are my fav people to work with ;)

11 months ago

Here is last night's Wellness Naturally video to be posted on Archaix TV INFO: Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern and Dani McKenny continue the discussion about "Your Guts". This is part two of the series, and we discussed several different common digestive problems, and focused on preventative steps we can take, and remedies for various "gut" issues, and how to maintain good gut health! Contact Info: Ann Callaghan: https://indigoessences.com Dr. Cori Stern: https://www.drcori.com/ and YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dr.coristern Dani McKenny: https://gaeasgarden.com/

11 months ago

Apparently we're being bombarded by something and there is a nasty "cold" making it's rounds through out Europe & North American, with the "hundred day cough". After yesterday's "First Aid from the Kitchen" video, I wanted to put out a quick bit of information for some easy to make remedies to help soothe the cough and sore throat that so many people are dealing with.... and of course I also focus on some easier remedies for kids too.

11 months ago

I received an overwhelming response from you all for my "First Aid Kit" video a couple of months ago- thank you!! Today we're going to talk about first aid kits again.... but this kit is in your kitchen!! What do you already have in your kitchen that is perfect for first aid situations and dealing with being sick? I bet most of you have a lot of these "ingredients" in your kitchen right now!!

12 months ago

I got together with the Archaix TV members and UnFuckers last month to discuss "Being Prepared", specifically to talk about FOOD: What to buy, how to store it, and specifically looking at this from a very rational, non-panicked/no fear place. I specifically talk about prepping when you have children as well. All of the information you need in ANY emergency situation is available on my "Being Prepared" thumbdrive!

1 year ago

On Today's RTS episode I took a little walk around my garden to point out the spring plants that are popping up- plants like Cleavers, Herb Robert, Garlic Mustard and Lemon Balm- all of which are fantastic "cleansers" for our bodies: to assist with lymph drainage and detoxing after a dreary winter. Spring IS coming!! Time for to Spring Clean our bodies too!!

1 year ago

After several recording attempts and a LOT of editing, lol, here is our latest episode of Wellness Naturally. On this episode we discuss the basics of solar events and their effects on biology, and how to mitigate any damage they may cause: naturally. Anyone who follows me on social media like Facebook, knows that when we are having extreme solar “weather” I will put out a report on it to give everyone the heads up warning. Each time I post a solar update, inevitably there is at least one or two people who ask me “what does this mean?”. For links and graphics please go to RTS.Earth: https://rts.earth/wellness-naturally-the-sun-geomagnetics-and-your-heart/

1 year ago

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms- low energy, irritability, poor sleep, salt cravings, dizziness when changing positions or hormonal issues- you may have adrenal burnout. MANY of us are experiencing this issue right now. Tuesday night Ann Callaghan, Dr Cori Stern and Dani McKenny discussed the causes of Adrenal Fatigue, and how to support and heal yourself... and breaking pattern!

1 year ago

Today I'm going to do a brief overview about the toxic chemicals we put on our skin: both toiletries, and clothing! And the toxic chemicals in our household environment.

1 year ago

Dani, Removing the Shackles