Rifle Stories

2 videos

A Rifle Story: Egyptian FN-4907:36
A Rifle Story: Egyptian FN-49
4 years ago

Every rifle has a story and this is the story of this Egyptian contract FN-49. We learn where it started and of some if its travels through the markings on the rifle. If these rifles could talk... Much of the information on this rifle was found in The FN-49, The Last Elegant Old-World Military Rifle by Wayne Johnson. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for information on the FN-49. https://www.fnbrowning.com/book-fn49-last-elegant-military-rif For more information on this rifle and others, head on over to http://www.HistoryInFirearms.com If you like the History In Firearms content, please consider supporting us on Patreon. All funds go to expanding and improving content from the project. https://www.patreon.com/historyinfirearms

A Rifle Story: Mannlicher M95/3007:32
A Rifle Story: Mannlicher M95/30
4 years ago

Every rifle has a story and this is the story of this Mannlicher M95/30. We learn where it started and of some if its travels through the markings on the rifle. If these rifles could talk... For more information on this rifle and others, head on over to http://www.HistoryInFirearms.com If you like the History In Firearms content, please consider supporting us on Patreon. All funds go to expanding and improving content from the project. https://www.patreon.com/historyinfirearms