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Hello Newcomers

3 years ago

I have been on YouTube now for many years, but have recently had issues with lower viewership on that platform. Constantly running up against the failed algorithm policies of YouTube; I decided to look for a viable alternative. It is my hope that Utreon WILL prove to be the answer. I hope you will join me in my quest to make my Aviation content more accessible without having to jump through the algorithmic hoops YouTube constantly throws in my way. It would also mean a lot to me If you could support this channel monetarily. Doing so here would not only help me make my content, but would also support Jeff, and the Utreon team to continue to improve this platform. Thank you.


waynemcdaniel @waynemcdaniel3y3 years ago

Hi Central,

Because we are making a documentary on the last surviving Flying Tiger pilot, we need to keep details as factual as possible. We do need animations of P-40s and Ki-43s in combat. We are looking for something similar to what the History Channel did with their Dogfights series --

Any idea of how to proceed? Like I said, if you know of a flight simulator that has the P-40 and Ki-43, we'd be more than willing to purchase it for you.

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

wmcdan4479 at

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waynemcdaniel @waynemcdaniel3y3 years ago

Hi I Fly Central,

I hope this is an appropriate place to ask this. I am a documentary writer working on the story of the last surviving Flying Tigers pilot. He's 104 years old!

We would like to know if you would be interested in recreating (for pay) several 1943 China theater air battles for our doc. The planes involved would be P-40s, P-38s, B-24s, and Ki-43s.

Please let me know your thoughts and how we can get in touch.


11 reply
I Fly Central @iflycentral3y3 years ago

Hi Wayne,

Sorry for the slow reply. While I would be willing to help; the B-24, and Ki-43 are not currently in the sims I fly. I can only provide P-40, or P-38 footage.


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waynemcdaniel @waynemcdaniel3y3 years ago


Thanks for the reply!

Bummer about B-24s and Ki-43s not being in the sim.  Our documentary revolves around our search for the last surviving Flying Tigers pilot.  His name is Chen Ping Ching and the guy is 104 years old!

He was shot down (flying a P40) by a Ki-43  and captured by the Japanese over Vietnam on October 10, 1943.

This is a mission specific combat for our documentary which involved 21 B24s, 17 P40s, 2 P38s, and 30 Ki-43s.

If I can use archival B24 footage, would you be interested in filming/recording a short dogfight with Ching in a P40 shooting down one A6M (substituting for a Ki-43) and then being shot down by a second A6M?

I can provide you with a very concise script.

What do you think?

Thanks again for responding!  I really enjoy your videos!

Wayne McDaniel
wmcdan4479 at

11 reply
I Fly Central @iflycentral3y3 years ago

The A6M would be a problem as well. The IL-2 Great Battles series does not have a pacific theater as of yet, so I have access to no Japanese aircraft. The closest thing I might be able to manage is an FW-190 painted in a Japanese livery. Kept far enough away, it might fool some, but anyone with a good eye will make it out as a fake. I can look into skins to see if one is available for a FW190 to be a stand in.

Still leaves us without B-24s. Great battles does have B-25Ds (AI piloted only). Again, from a considerable distance; might fools some.

Just some ideas.

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waynemcdaniel @waynemcdaniel3y3 years ago

Do you know of another fly simulator that provides B-24s, Ki-43s, and P-40s (with Chinese markings)?

We would be willing to purchase that software for you as well as paying you for animating the dogfight.

Let me know.

11 reply
I Fly Central @iflycentral3y3 years ago

Off the top of my head; only 2. "IL-2 1946," but that is an old sim. Graphics are not great in that. Then there is WarThunder. Both have there issues though. I have no idea how the UI works for WarThunder. I never spent much time with it as it is more of a game.

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