Flock One, Year 2

29 videos

This playlist showcases the second year of chicken ownership. The original 4 hens plus any new chicks.

The One About Parkour Chick - PK's First Molt07:55
The One About Parkour Chick - PK's First Molt
1 year ago

This is a compilation of Parkour Chick's first molt. At first, I wasn't sure if she was molting because she is the first bird in my flock to do it. Eventually, it was obvious. Today she is fully feathered and beautiful... again! Music: bensound.com License code: DWC8CRXSP9E3JHIT Music: Acoustic Breeze #parkourchick #molting #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Chickens Doing Chicken Stuff08:37
Chickens Doing Chicken Stuff
2 years ago

The hens are using the tire for a dust bath while the chicks cautiously look around the yard. This was the beginning of the summer heat and I had to do a little prep which will be much grander as the summer progresses. Had a couple humorous moments with the chicks... Popcorn is a bit silly! Music: Bensound.com/royalty-free-music License code: 3YONLGN1GT5QHDUN #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

The One About Miss Cloud12:14
The One About Miss Cloud
2 years ago

This is a cute compilation of moments with Miss Cloud the last few months. She's at the top of the pecking order and can sometimes be so cute that I forget she can also be a real bitich. Enjoy! Music: Happy Rock Music by: https://www.bensound.com License code: EWWO7FHQ2A9GRECX #misscloud #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Hens & Chicks | Not Best Friends Yet08:49
Hens & Chicks | Not Best Friends Yet
2 years ago

The chicks are in their own coop and the hens aren't entirely sure about it. This is a quick update on the hens and a look at their reaction to the chicks being outside with them same yard... what the heck. Music by: https://www.bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: MWKXFVO0ETMH1SRU Music: Cute #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Trinity Locked Out of the Coop09:46
Trinity Locked Out of the Coop
2 years ago

I'm a big fat meany! Or just oblivious to what's right in front of my face. A full rainbow blesses the sky and it's followed by a storm! Miss Cloud narrates everyone else laying eggs and we finally end up in the compost bin. #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

New Coop Anxieties - Check My Sanity20:30
New Coop Anxieties - Check My Sanity
2 years ago

I'm sure someone will watch this video and just laugh! The new coop is in and the hens are spending a few days getting used to the idea of it. What am I doing? Pulling my hair out and worrying about things. I'm sure this video portrays one of the reasons some chicken owners check their flock in the morning and then again at night... nothing in between. Music I Use: Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: RX97OJALU4QRZUWY #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

New Chicken Coop Placement22:57
New Chicken Coop Placement
2 years ago

We prepped the land in order to move the old coop and then prepped the land for the new coop just prior to it arriving. We ordered this from a local builder and he did an awesome job! We asked for a few modifications to the original plans and he was great at making adjustments for me. I love the color of the coop and the whole design! Royalty Free Music: Bensound.com License code: ZFBSRQ7CBHW3UNV1 Dance #chickencoop #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Chickens Love Hairy Vetch13:06
Chickens Love Hairy Vetch
2 years ago

Chickens love hairy vetch and I had to edit out the dozens of times I said that in the 3-4 weeks this one video covers. The stuff is great, for sure, but I got a little cray-cray with it. Music by Bensound.com/royalty-free-music License code: W2QRFYRXIRLEOYUM Music: Happy Rock #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Spring Preparation with My Chickens15:29
Spring Preparation with My Chickens
2 years ago

The month of April brings planting veggies, watching weeds take over, and moving compost piles. We lowered the perch we created last month so the hens will get on it. I've had seagulls flying overhead and no idea why. Added the shade cloth to the kennel again to prepare for the heat. The hens found a bug they won't eat and a woodpecker won't stop pecking. I even spend time in front of the camera. Music by: https://www.bensound.com License code: L0DNNXO63LJDBHHB Happy Rock #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

New Kennel Perches | Parkour Chick Cuddles16:18
New Kennel Perches | Parkour Chick Cuddles
2 years ago

This video is all about the month of March! Looked at a used chicken coop this month and it was very, very dirty. Poop all over the roof and entire coop with a messed up deep litter issue. Later on I ordered a coop to be made by a local builder... super excited to get it! I'm working on getting us caught up on all of the hours of chicken film footage I happen to have. The goal is to have videos with the hens and new chicks combined. Cheers to trying to catch up! Music by: Bensound License code: C8X2XOYIQOHU1MWP #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Chicken Talk and Feather Loss07:54
Chicken Talk and Feather Loss
2 years ago

It's week 73 and we're looking at some footage from January 2023. I hope to catch up on videos soon. Look forward to many more to come! Music (Ukulele): Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: GNQRVTPGZOI1XJZB #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Chickens Do Well in the Cold12:34
Chickens Do Well in the Cold
2 years ago

Here is my final video showcasing the hens at the end of 2022. I am trying to catch up to a more present-day format and it's been a long journey to get to that goal. This video contains a little poetry and an ending saying thanks! 3AM Poem Awake and wandering, enjoying the silence, mixed with the sound of snow crunching under feet. ~Phenix JiRa~ Hundreds of years from now, archeologists will turn to the small video maker and say to themselves... "Wow, people were a little off their rocker!". Music by https://www.bensound.com License code: JETWMRABWAFGTM2H Straight #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Winter Lap Chicken11:48
Winter Lap Chicken
2 years ago

In this winter video of the four hens I talk a bit about soaked oats and get surprised by Miss Cloud hopping on my lap. It's dang cold so they sit on their feet a lot. Music (Happy Rock): Bensound License code: WQQCTG8ERCVCACIN #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Chicken in My Pocket and on My Lap18:01
Chicken in My Pocket and on My Lap
2 years ago

It's week 62 and 63. I find that I'm not filming quite as much during the cold days. Still trying to catch up to present day but it's harder than one might think. Added cardboard to the inside ceiling of the coop to help with heat retention. Training chickens! Music by: bensound.com License code: PKOIN6XXCWUTIZO2 #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Time with Chickens09:16
Time with Chickens
2 years ago

I cleaned the coop and spent some time with the hens who apparently think my chair is their chair. Also spent a bit of time with Miss Cloud while the other hens were off doing something else. She got to eat a nice treat we found under a stump. Music I Use: Bensound.com/royalty-free-music License code: VWOIYX99Z9NDL9SM #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

More Coop Modification & Neurotic Trinity09:56
More Coop Modification & Neurotic Trinity
2 years ago

Today we did the easiest coop modification ever! We added a wooden lock to the vent cover to prevent excessive cold from the winter winds. The hens couldn't get enough of Michael today... guess they thought he had food. I set up a few plant tubs to use as compost bins close to the coop. This is just an experiment to see if they will entertain the chickens during the winter. Royalty Free Music: Bensound.com License code: NL6JZDLNPLYWQF0S #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Lazy Day Chicken TV08:30
Lazy Day Chicken TV
2 years ago

Here's another chicken tv video for all to enjoy. The hens spend time picking on me, sunbathing, scratching in the compost, and investigating the yard. Music by: bensound.com License code: HGA28I4GXNIGOMYH #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Winterizing My Chicken Run12:57
Winterizing My Chicken Run
2 years ago

It's that time of year when winterizing for chickens becomes important. Added plastic to parts of the kennel and coop/run to keep the rain out and the wind off the chickens. Michael shows up to help me by removing the gutters and adding 2x4s and doing a lot of stapling. Using a heavy duty, clear shower curtain (which worked great). Music by: https://www.bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: ZC1M6CL6XDAGCN14 #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Kissing Chickens and a White Egg05:14
Kissing Chickens and a White Egg
2 years ago

Just a short video showcasing a day in the life of my flock. They like the seed packet that I've grown and love scratching around for goodies. Fall colors, drinking from the side of a pool, and a very light colored egg for Trinity or Parkour Chick. Not sure how they did it but I have a white egg. Then I sit back and watch them eat and clean each other's beaks. It can be fulfilling watching them. Music by Bensound License code: DIGWAGN0WEYO1HXT #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Digging Worms with Chickens19:35
Digging Worms with Chickens
2 years ago

Longer video with hen highlights. Digging for worms, sitting on the bench with Parkour Chick, me in the video with the hens and remembering Spitfire. Music provided by: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud