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S2 Book Club February: Logistics

8 months ago

Hey everyone, this month I thought we might take a deeper dive into the works of everyone's least favorite topic: military logistics. Hopefully these selections won't be too boring, but all three are highly acclaimed and comparatively short.
First up is:
Logistics in the Falklands War: A Case Study in Expeditionary Warfare by Kenneth L. Privratsky, a look at the modern day Guadalcanal campaign that while largely ignored by America (as this was a British war), is one of the more interesting short wars of our modern era.
Next is:
Feeding Victory: Innovative Military Logistics from Lake George to Khe Sanh by Jobie Turner, a classic look at the logistics of the Vietnam War, and how the US really had to develop a new line of thinking with this new thing called the 'helicopter'.
Finally we have:
Moving Mountains: Lessons in Leadership and Logistics from the Gulf War by William G. Pagonis, a legendary book detailing the success of one of America's isolated victories in the Middle East.
All three are books that I don't think anyone would choose if compared to a more entertaining topic, but in the interest of broadening our knowledge, sometimes we have to eat our literary veggies.

Let us know your vote in the comments!


Martin Bowman @martin_bowman8m8 months ago

Logistics in the Falklands

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Lionmarshall @lionmarshall8m8 months ago

Im for "helicopter" as drone delivery along with choppers aren't going away anytime.

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Martin Bowman @martin_bowman8m8 months ago

Love it

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