Silver Manipulation

Silver under $23, chip shortage update, home prices soar, Fed balance sheet over $8 trillion, IMF Aug 23 *** While the #COMEX #silverprice still isn’t showing you yet, there are a lot of developments happening NOW, that are laying the conditions for the REAL silver price to rise. So to be miles ahead of Wall Street before it happens, click to watch today’s silver show now! *** To find out more about First Majestic Silver go to: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your #silverbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical #silver safely and securely: Email: *** To discover how JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and the CFTC colluded to suppress the price of silver: *** To support a legal filing against the CFTC go to: #watch out on August 23 #silver #gold And remember to get outside and have some fun every once in a while!:) (URL0VD)

While the silver price remains in the same range it’s been in over the past year, the inflows in and out of SLV and PSLV tell a different story beneath the surface. To find out what’s going on, click to watch the video now! *** To find out more about the latest drilling news from Silver Sands Resources go to: *** To see the letter Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: *** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe in convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

Silver has started the week with a spike up in the price, while Kuya Silver has acquired new mineral rights in Peru. To find out more about the latest silver news, click to watch this update now! *** To read more about the latest Kuya Silver deal go to: *** To see the letter Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: *** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe in convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to: Hello Chris, Thank you for contacting the United States Mint. After careful consideration, we regret that we must decline your interview request. We appreciate your interest and apologize any disappointment. Sincerely, United States Mint No problem, and not too disappointed. Although perhaps a little confused, as I called one of your customer service reps and mentionedI have an audience of over 50,000 silver investors, many of whom are your customers, who are often confused about what they read about the mint, and she seemed grateful for teh chance to clear up some of the mysteries. However, can you just help me figure out how I can find an answer to the following question so I can report back to my aduinece, What’s in their charter

#CFTC #silvermanipulation update To hear the latest update regarding the ongoing case with the CFTC and their alleged investigation into #silver manipulation, click to watch the video now! *** To see the press releases referenced in the video go to: Bluestone Resources Silver Elephant Mining Kuya Silver *** To see the letter I wrote to Commissioner Benham and the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months while the crime continues to occur go to: *** If you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: **** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe in convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

#SilverViper halted on news of new gold/silver resource Silver Viper, a #silver exploration company, was halted this morning on the announcement of a new #gold and silver resource. To find out more, click to watch this quick video now! **** To read the Silver Viper press release about the news go to: To find out more about Silver Viper and their projects and management go to: *** To see the letter to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham, with detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: *** If you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: **** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: **** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: **** To support the show go to:

One of the most unfortunate things I’ve witnessed in my 20+ year career in finance is how investors feel they are being protected by the regulators, only to find out that the regulators are often even more dangerous than the banks that keep melting down the economy. And sadly, the evidence continues to emerge that not only did the banks commit one of the greatest financial market felonies in history in the #silver market on Feb 2nd, but not only have the regulators done nothing, it appears as if they’ve been an accomplice. To find out the shocking information that the CFTC has had, but has left suppressed while investors get clobbered by the banks once again, click to watch the video now! ---- To support the campaign to get answers from the questions the CFTC won’t address: ---- To join us on Tuesday April 20 for a peaceful protest outside of the CFTC: To view the CFTC whistleblower complaints filed by Chris go to: To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: ----- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: ----- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) ---- To support the show go to: - ------ For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

While the paper markets got smashed, and Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen testified before the House, what was the CFTC doing? To find out, click to watch now! ---- To find out more about #SilverElephant’s latest drill results go to: ---- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: ---- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: ---- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) ---- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: - ---- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

Silver continues to leave the COMEX... If you want to know more, click to watch the video now! --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: ---- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) ---- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

Silver roundtable: COMEX, CFTC, bond collapse, Fed meeting-Dave Kranzler, Rob Kientz, Chris Marchese Don't miss this one, click to watch the video now! --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

On a day where the silver price is already up, seemingly in the face of the silver option board in front of expiration tomorrow, there's more good news for silver investors. As one of the banks that was caught red-handed manipulating the silver price has just released a new settlement offer. To find out more, click to watch the video now! To find out more about the settlement go to: To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email: