FEEcon 2019

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Grammy nominated composer Austin Wintory opens FEEcon with an inspirational musical score and talks about his journey to become an accomplished creative entrepreneur.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Join us one last time at the main stage as we close out FEEcon with a moving interview with Larry Reed, FEE's President Emeritus.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Zilvinas Silenas set's the tone for this afternoon's talks by discussing how the ideas of Liberty Lead to the Betterment of Society.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U The news promotes the idea that the world is getting worse. The facts to support this. Violence in the US is down 70%, poor Americans today live better than middle class Americans did 100 years ago. World poverty has dropped from over 95% to less than 10%, inequality is falling, the environment is getting cleaner. Antony Davies discusses how these advances are the result of freer markets and a greater respect for human rights.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Emily Chamlee-Wright, president of the Institute for Humane Studies, explores the idea of spontaneous order, a concept that has its roots in the work of Adam Smith, plays a prominent role in F.A. Hayek's critique of central economic planning, and looms large in the work of many contemporary classical liberal scholars. More than a single idea, the "spontaneous order" paradigm is a way of seeing the world that opens up a deeper understanding of both the coordinating and disrupting roles that entrepreneurs play in society. Once we see the world through the "spontaneous order lens," we understand that the future is radically open to new possibilities--an openness that the social engineer has trouble imagining. When we give up the social engineer's notion of top-down problem solving, and instead, embrace the discovery that unfolds in bottom-up processes, we come to understand and appreciate the role of three essential entrepreneurial values, namely: humility, creativity, and audacity. In short, this way of seeing the world, and the values it inspires, are indispensable intellectual tools for entrepreneurs, no matter whether they are market entrepreneurs, academic entrepreneurs, or social change entrepreneurs.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Every day approximately 3000 people are released from jail or prison only to encounter a nearly impossible scenario for reentry success. Most of our returning citizens have natural entrepreneurial skills. What if we helped them redirect those skills?

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Economist and social activist, Gloria Alvarez speaks passionately about issues facing Latin America and why an expansion of freedom would help bring about much needed change.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Capitalism has been a stunning success in bringing a billion people out of poverty in recent decades. If we continue to increase economic freedom around the world, we can create a world without poverty. And yet many young people are now advocating socialism. How can we fight the bias against capitalism that perpetuates global poverty?

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U The Foundation for Economic Education and Guatemala's Universidad Francisco Marroquin have an incredibly rich and connected history. Larry Reed takes the stage at FEEcon 2019 to introduce that history and a video created by UFM about their connection to FEE's founder, Leonard Read.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U The Power of an Entrepreneurial Mindset: Danish serial entrepreneur Henrik Scheel will share key insights from his entrepreneurial journey that has led him to work with startup founders in 25+ countries around the world. Entrepreneurs are contrarians who dare to dream big and pursue opportunities that most people find crazy. In this talk you’ll hear about the well-proven tactics from Silicon Valley and how the entrepreneurial mindset can help you overcome the fear of failure and set you on a path to change the world. Great entrepreneurs are everywhere – are you ready to unlock your entrepreneurial potential?

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Our Director of Entrepreneurial Outreach and Master of Ceremonies, T.K. Coleman welcomes the crowd to FEEcon with words of inspiration.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U FEE honors Lawrence W. Reed not only as our president from 2008-2019, but also our mentor, example, and friend. During his tenure, Larry lead FEE to brand new heights in size and scale toward our mission to introduce newcomers to the ideas of a free society. In this video, we thank him for everything he's done, and everything he will continue to do. _____________________ CREDITS: Produced by Sean W. Malone Edited by Arash Ayrom & Sean W. Malone Filmed by Sean W. Malone & Pavel Rusakov with archival research by Pavel Rusakov

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U Join us for the experience of a lifetime. FEEcon 2019. ____________________ Produced & Edited by Sean W. Malone

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U The Foundation for Economic Education is making the ideas of liberty familiar, credible, and compelling to young people in the United States and around the world. We're making freedom as a life philosophy accessible to everyone by showing the connection between free expression and commerce, creativity, entrepreneurship, and strong personal character -- and how these values can be applied not just to societies but to individual people's everyday lives. It's an ambitious goal, but we're ready to accomplish it. ____________________ CREDITS: Produced & Edited by Sean W. Malone Graphic Design by Tim Webster Research by Richard Lorenc, Jason Riddle, Dan Sanchez, Joshua Sanders, Tyler Brandt, and Pavel Rusakov

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": https://youtu.be/V-RKVsqGY9U The Universidad Francisco Marroquín has become an oasis of liberty in Guatemala and has inspired millions to explore the world of ideas in the search for truth. What you might not know is that UFM's founding was directly inspired by the Foundation for Economic Education's own founder, Leonard Read, and by our publication, The Freeman Magazine. Since 1971 FEE and UFM have been proud to work together, securing the freedom of the next generation. ____________________ CREDITS: UFM Pedro Pablo Velásquez Ana Lucia Urruela Bowen Emily Raquel Gularte Oliva Esteban Cardona Garcia Lissa Hanckel Moino Montepeque Maria Isabel FEE Sean W. Malone Javier Perez Saavedra Pavel Rusakov Tim Webster