The Classic Runescape Collection
Assortment of Runescape videos during my early Youtube years.

Are you bored? Tried of School, Terrorism, and Politics? Feel like giving up on life? Then go to Credits: Directed, Edited, and Filmed by: Me Body Actor: Gen Gunnut (me) Music: It's Always Sunny in Philidephia Theme

Tom is having maritial problems and it seems the only way to fix it is by taking some "male enhancement"

Buying some porn at Port Sarim Special Help to Jaydaime Music created by Himthere32 But, I made this because I was completely bored and I need to make more movies

The full verison of my movie is out. This shall be my last vid until I'm back from camping. Hope you guys enjoy it, I did a pretty good job on it. -Disclaimer- Runescape is a trademark of Jagex Ltd. I do not own or work for runescape. I make these videos for enterainment, and not for personal profit.

This is how much I love dogs! Also, this song is so got me banned from runescape, lol -Cast- 1 Sniper0 Ownedbyme85 Kilrz2 L33tsnauzer -Director's Notes- This is my first vid using Sony Vegas. -Disclaimer- Runescape is a trademark of Jagex Ltd. I am not an employee or owner of Jagex. I do not make these vids for profit, and only for enterainment

A Chris Crocker wannabe voices his opinion about the Defil3d sitution, even though it's like what, 4 month news. -Cast- Steve- 1 Sniper0 Chris Crocker- USMC417(as himself) -Director's Note- My intro is a bit a different, simply because my computer had to be reformated, thus i had to remove everything from my harddrive, which included my famous "You Got Sniped" intro. I also would like to note this is my first film with having other voice actors, other than myself. So give an extra hand to USMC417 for his vocial talent. This might also be my last movie as a f2per because i'm planning to become a member in a very very short time. However, do not think of this as my last film in a F2p world. More details will come up in a vid. -Disclaimer- Runescape is trademarked by Jagex Ltd. I do not own or work for Jagex, and I simply make these videos for enterainmental purposes, and not for any profit. Even consider it free advertizement.

I respond to all the haters and flamers. -Cast- 1 Sniper0- As Himself USMC417- Hater -Director's Notes- You'll notice I finally got rid of the hypercam watermark, so my future movies shall now look more professional -Disclaimer- Runescape is the trademark of Jagex Ltd. I do not own or work for Jagex. I merely make these videos fo entertainmental purposes, and not for personal profit.

Bill and Dan are two brothers who open up a pizza shop. After receiving one of their first orders, the two brothers must fight against pizza shack in order to stay in business. -Director's Note- This was primary the idea of daniellev13. besides twicking some of the story and doing all of the filming and editing, this story is really from dan. As for making this a full pleadge series, i'm not sure. Simply b/c i have other movie plans i got to do and i got to finish up on other series. if the fans want more, i'll be glad to make more episodes in the near future. -Disclaimer- Runescape is trademarked by Jagex Ltd. I do not own or work for Jagex. I simply make these movies for entertainment purposes and not for personal profit.

Steve discovers an interesting structure by wizard tower, which has a deadly mysterious purpose. -Cast- Steve-1 Sniper0 Evil Wizard-1 Sniper0 Guy in Mith-Lunick21 Max-Osmani444 -Disclaimer- Runescape is the trademark of Jagex Ltd. I do not work for or own Jagex. I am not making these videos for personal profit, and only for pure enterainment.

Steve plans on riding one of the new gnomecopters, but will his wrong deed lead to deadly consequences. Actors: Steve- 1 Sniper0 Gnomecopter owner- Thecopternub (Emo Eternity) Music: Manamana- muppets show Mrs. Robertson- Simon and Ganfunkel Freebird- Lynyrd Skynyrd Hirmfaxi- Ace Combat 5 OST -Director's Notes- This is a new series of short shows i'm producing, making fun of runescape in general. it's sorta like tehnoobshow's shorts. -Disclaimer- Runescape is the trademark of Jagex LDT. I do not work for or own Jagex. I do not make these films for personal profit and for pure free entertainmental purposes only.

Yeah, by the time I got this done loading, the contest was over :( Anyways, he talks like Bob, he looks like Bob, and he acts like Bob. The only problem is that he's not Bob. He's Bill. This confusion has led many people, including the Easter Bunny, into thinking Bill was Bob. Now Bill, by accident, must save Easter by finding the hare hat -Director's Note- If you're watching Bob, even though there's no point, since the contest is over, then check my other videos. -Disclaimer- Runescape is the trademark of Jagex Ltd. I do not work for or own Jagex. I didn't make this vid for any personal profit, only for enterainment purposes. In matter of fact, consider this free advertizement.

What is the B-Team? The B-Team is the crappiest team of noobs that were banned from Runescape for a rule they never broke. They were able to get unbanned and live in the Fallador Underground. If you help, like for anything, like picking up the trash, and if you can stand there noobness, then you can hire the B-Team. In this episode, the B-Team decide to go on vacation -Director Notes- This is a new series I've been thinking of since the creation of LoZTiR. It's a parody off the A-Team, an 80's tv show. I hope you give this new series a chance. Also, the person who plays nick is Salgi1 -Disclaimer- Runescape is the trademark of Jagex Ltd. I don't own or work for Jagex, and I'm simply make these videos for entertainment purposes, and not for personal profit. In matter of fact, consider this free advertizing. Also, all the songs used in this video were not created by me.

TIMMY!!!!!! Runescape is the trademake of Jagex LTD. I do not own, work for, or in any part am assoiated to Jagex LTD. I made this video enterianment purposes, and not for any personal profit. Also, I do not claim I own any of the songs or soundbites in this video and they reserve those rights

Santa's hat is stolen and he goes mad. Only runescape was this gory. Merry Christmas Yall! Jagex Ltd owns Runescape. I don't own, work for, or assoiated w/ Jagex. These movies are for pure enterainment and not for profit. Songs also used aren't my.

This is a history project i did. It's about Peter the Great. It's educational and humorious as well. Plz note, i meant to say "embassy" and not assmebly. also, plz don't rip me on my punctations. if i put anything not historic, plz feel free the say so. Runescape is a product of Jagex Ltd. I don't own, work for, or sponcer Jagex. I made this for educational purposes, and not for personal wealth. Other music is not owned by me and not trying to take credit for any of that sort. I only use the music to enhance the experence of the video and that's it. i'm not trying to sell it for personal wealth.

Inspired by Vinchenzo900's Paranoia Series, I take my shot at making a robot chicken style rsmv. Clips included are from South Park, Full Metal Jacket, Borat, and other movies and shows. Runescape is the property of Jagex Ltd. I'm not the owner or a member of Jagex. I made this movie purely for entertainment, and not for profit. Pretty much an amuter film. Other clips and sound bits aren't owned by me. I'm not claiming I'm the original maker of these clips, just using them for non-profit entertainment.

Chruch and Grif discuss about red states vs. blue states, while Sarge prepares the ultimate turduckin in this reproduction. Runescape is owned by Jagex Ltd. I do not own or work for Jagex. This was purely made for entertainment, and not for profit. In matter in fact, this could be free advertisement. As for characters and audio, Rooster Teeth has rights to that for they created them. Also, the music is owned by Bungie and Mircosoft.

1 Sniper0 needs training and fast. the only he can do so, if he has a montage. Overall, i think this is the best music vid i ever made Runescape is the property Jagex Ltd. I didn't make this for profit, only for entertainment. Consider it free publicity Jagex. Also the songs used for this aren't my, but ownership goes to Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Again, i used the songs for entertainment and not for personal profit.

The crew of Runescape Reproductions decide to sing a song about AIDS. Runescape is the property of Jagex Ltd. I don't own Runescape or Jagex. I made this for pure entertainment and not for profit.

The most famous sence from the South Park movie, remade by the local elementary school in Runescape Runescape is the property of Jagex Ltd. I do not own Runescape or Jagex, or South Park. This is merely made for fun and not for profit. In matter of fact, consider this free advertisment.