Infection Series
A series about a zombie outbreak in Runescape. I didn't go pass two episodes.

Max has successfully met up with Francis and they must evade hordes of zombies before they can reach to the checkpoint. However, things don't always work according to plan. -Credits- Director: Thomas Schrader Editor: Thomas Schrader Filmed By: Thomas Schrader Body Actors: Gen Gunnut (Me) Megacanth Jaydaime Midday Fury Voice Acting: Done by me Music: Call of Duty 4 OST- Menu Music Batman Begins OST- Vespertilio Batman Begins OST- Molossus Transformers OST- Skorpinok

Since the end of the God Wars, Runescape has been terrorized by zombies. Although their threat has been manageable, their strength has increased due to climate change (the thawing of frozen zombies) and the expanding population (settlers exploring zombielands). A special task unit has been dealing with the threat, but it's not enough to prevent the return of the undead.