Legend of Zelda: Trapped in Runescape
Oh no, Link somehow got trapped in the land of Runescape. Will he ever escape? Currently on hiatus

Link and Walker's attack on the ecobarbarians was succussful. But, they discovered the book of runescape, which contains the most secertive knowledge of runescape. Now, they must recover it from Cobra Commander. -Director Notes- Thanks to all those of runegamer who helped me. -Disclaimer- Runescape is the trademark of Jagex Ltd. I do not work for or own Jagex. I merely make these movies for entertainmental purposes only, and not for profit.

After the mighty victory over Ganondorf, Link and Walker are called by the King of Runescape to stop a crazy leader from leading a group of barbarains from attacking Varrock. And you may know who comes back. -Disclaimer- Runescape is the trademark of Jagex Ltd. I do not own or work for Jagex. I simply make these videos for enterainmental purposes only and not for personal profit. Hell, Consider this free advertizement.
![Legend of Zelda: Trapped in Runescape Episode 9 [pt.1]](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Yz/k3/Y2/9Rq6aOT2B1c/9Rq6aOT2B1c_cover.jpg)
It's been a year since Link has teleported to the land of Runescape. He has defeated goblin armies, helped Lumbridge to break thur a blockade, and prevented a corupted mayor to give out info to Major Mage. Under the watchful eye of Travis Walker, they have made steady progress in elimating evil and their plans to defeat ganondorf. Because of these succusses, Link and Walker have been called on upon the King of Varrock, to help defend Runescape. Meanwhile, Ganondorf prepares for conquest of runescape with help from Major Mage and his Army of Darkness. -Director's Note- I worked my rearend with this movie. After being sick, banned, occupy by exams, camping, and debate tournments, i have finally finished this movie. i would like to note that this movie also has the most cast members i ever had in a movie. Runescape is a trademark of Jagex LTD. I do not own, work for, and assisated with Jagex. I merely make these videos for pure entertainment and not for personal profit. In matter of fact, consider this free advertizement. Other sound tracks and video isn't owned by me and those who own it reserve that right.
![Legend of Zelda: Trapped in Runescape Episode 9 [pt.2]](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Mz/E4/ZT/SGhDuZ5ZmAA/SGhDuZ5ZmAA_cover.jpg)
What happened last time? Link and Walker were brickering until they heard news that Ganondorf was going to attack Varrock. They quickly sprung into action and went to prep the troops. Meanwhile, Ganondorf rantlessly continued to threaten General Pumpernickel, only to be tuanted at. Then Matt Damon got squashed by a cow. Let's start the show. Runescape is a trademark of Jagex Ltd. I do not own or work for Jagex Ltd. I merely make these videos for enterainment purposes, and not for personal profit. so, consider this free advertizement jagex.

Well folks, I'm coming close to finishing Episode 9, however since it's been awhile since i posted a movie, I'm going to post this teaser. As far as production, as I stated, i'm coming close but i'm not done filming. The reason this episode has been taking a long time is because of some of the following reasons: breaks exams campouts debate tournments sickness being banned yeah... anyways enjoy, and also maxboison, aka theunforgiving, does make a special appearence in the video.

Ganondorf forms his army and plans the conquest of runescape.

Link and Walker sneaks into the mayor's office to find out what's fishy about the mayor himself. There's a typo in the credits. Itachi607 is really Itachi667.

Link gets a new look. Meanwhile, the EvilCon, the Evil Convention in short, is in progress in Draydor Village. Pacts are formed and feuds are rerisen

Since there was a long absence of Ganondolf in last 3 episodes, he has his own episode, with Zelda. He meets his mormon neighbors, the Smiths, and tries fix up relations with Zelda, but fails badly. He also starts planning for his conquest of runescape

Link is called upon by the King of Lumbridge to get supplies for the needed seiged town of Lumbridge. Links meets up with a new friend, Jex, to complete the mission.

This is the third episode. Link and Walker fights the goblin army. Link also must face a new villian downroad, Major Mage.

This is the second episode of the LoZTiR series. Link undergoes training with Travis Walker, but there are problems in trying to train. It mocks the different fighting styles between Legend of Zelda and Runescape, how evil the chickens can be in both games, and Link's neive attempt to be the good guy. Note- this movie was annoying to save because my windows maker was acting stupid, but i was able to fix it. So, please enjoy.

This is the first episode of Legend of Zelda: Trapped in Runescape. It explains how our hero got to Runescape and retrails the story of Link. Steven Hawking makes a special apperence.

This is a trailer to my future series. If you want to be in the cast or you have any ideas, please tell me. I'm 1 Sniper0